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An Exploration of the Embodied and Spiritual Lives

Think. That's all I do all the time. Probably more than I should if I'm honest. But, I can't help it; I was given a contemplative mind and a thirst for learning. Here, you'll find all of my musings about theology, philosophy, pop culture, and life in general. Many of my thoughts come from the informed beliefs and arguments of others, making this a collective outpouring of knowledge rather than just a personal one. Ultimately, though, all of it stems from my Love of Our Perfect Muse, King Jesus.

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How COVID is Making Heretics

An Anglican Perspective Get ready to be made slightly uncomfortable, and more than a little concerned. A recent study (Barna research as...

The View from Our Side of the Wall

Or, Why Those Who are For the Wall are For it When it comes to the tense discussions about the border wall, there's a lot more talking...

Yes, I Believe in Santa Claus; Yes, I'm Serious.

So, at this point you're either really intrigued, or you think I'm completely crazy, or both...But have you considered that maybe I'm...

Top 7 Reasons I Downgraded to a Dumbphone

Smartphones, are they really the electronic saviors they're made out to be or are they a dangerous addiction? Here are the surprising...

Resurrecting Fido:

Will Jesus Resurrect Our Pets? aka, Does Jesus Love Animals? If you don't know already, there's a small, albeit friendly, debate amongst...

Balancing the Magical and the Mundane

Hey friends! If you're a(n aspiring) writer, an avid reader, or just want to see how the mind of good authors works, you should check out...

Taking Applications:

Where Are All of the True Female Heroes in Fiction? Today, there is no shortage of the, "strong woman who don't need no man," caliber of...

The Mark of a Man:

Casual Reflections on the Gospel of Mark, Chapter Three Where we left off: Act One: Galilee and War; We saw Jesus usher in the great...

The Mark of a Man:

Casual Reflections on the Gospel of Mark, Chapter Two Where we left off: Act One: Galilee and War; We're fresh off of the first chapter...

The Mark of a Man:

Casual Reflections on the Gospel of Mark, Chapter One So, I've been reading through the Gospel of Mark recently and writing down my...

The Infinite Regression of Calvinism

Before I begin, I want to state up front that I Love Calvinists. As an Ecumenicalist, I want to see the Church come together in unity and...

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