First, a disclaimer: I'm not advocating that you should go barefoot at all times and in all places. Use common sense.
1) It's How God Made You
When God made us, He created us to be barefoot. Plain and simple. Going barefoot more often is a way to reconnect with who we were meant to be, and who Adam and Eve were. It's a way to reclaim our Edenic (Edenic=pertaining to Eden) selves and fight against the curse of The Enemy and Modernism (is there really a difference between the two?).
Some argue that God also made us to be naked, but that we clearly don't do that. That's true, but it's a contextual situation. Going barefoot in public is not immoral or as socially unacceptable in most places whereas nudity is. It all depends on the context. I'm of the opinion that whenever and wherever you can bring Eden into your life, you should.
2) It's Healthy for You
Generally, most things that God designed us to do/be are still incredibly beneficial for us. Eating lots of fruits and veggies, spending more time in nature and out of doors in general, and having lots of social interaction are some prime examples of how living Edenically is still incredibly healthy for us. So, it makes sense that being barefoot would be too.
First of all, walking/running barefoot strengthens your feet muscles. This makes you a better walker/runner in the long run, gives you more stability in your feet, and will help your feet to get less sore after prolonged periods of walking/standing/running. The reason being barefoot does this while wearing shoes does not is that most shoes are not designed to move like feet. Our feet were designed to move and flex in certain ways. The majority of shoes are stiff and limit this movement. If you want the muscle benefits of going barefoot but don't want to actually toss out the shoes, then look into Xero Shoes. They're a company that creates shoes that move and bend like the natural foot, and there's only 2mm of sole between your foot and the ground giving you a simulation of being barefoot!
Second, it fixes the arch of your foot. Because walking barefoot strengthens your feet muscles, it subsequently strengthens your arches. This is something barefoot enthusiasts have been saying for a long time and that doctors are just now beginning to study. Having a weak or fallen arch can cause massive problems for your body. It can effect your posture, your joints, your leg strength, your endurance, and many other factors. If you suffer from being flat-footed then walking barefoot everyday may just be your cure. ( (
Third, it's great for your joints. Walking barefoot on hard ground causes you to step lighter, as you feel the full shock of your steps. Stepping lighter when barefoot causes less shock and thus less stress on your joints. Try this: go walk or run on a sidewalk or road or hard floor for 50ft in shoes, and then do it again barefoot. By the end of the run think about which method had you putting more force behind your steps.
Fourth, it may help to get rid of many health problems like inflammation and even stress. This is because of something known as "earthing." The human body naturally goes through a process called oxidation. However, the human body more often than not creates too much oxidation leading to the creation of unbonded particles called free radicals. Free radicals cause havoc in your body, and can cause atomic, cellular, and organ damage. Many symptoms of an overabundance of free radicals can include inflammation, rapid aging, arthritis, and stress. Eating antioxidants is a great way to reduce free radicals, but a bonus way to rid your body of them is to walk barefoot on non-insulated ground. This is because many free radicals are positively charged whereas Earth has a slightly negative charge. Making prolonged, bareskin contact with Earth allows for the neutralization of free radicals. Earthing may also be able to help with high-blood pressure and thick blood, as it increases the surface charge of blood cells leading to a lessened viscosity. Other small and/or independent studies seem to suggest that earthing may also help boost the immune system and aid in better sleep. You cannot get these benefits with shoes on, however, because shoes are insulated. (
Fifth, the increased muscle usage and natural gait of walking barefoot can help with weight loss, heart health, may decrease cancer risk, help with glucose levels, improve circulation, and can aid in the removal of toxins from the body.
3) Psychological Benefits
This is just an anecdotal argument, but when I walk barefoot, especially in places I normally wear shoes, I get a sense of peace, calm, relaxation, and overwhelming freedom. I just feel at peace with myself and the world. However, there may actually be some evidence that walking barefoot does indeed help you psychologically due to the neural plasticity of the brain and how embodied stimuli effects it ( Also, exercise in general boosts your mental health, and going barefoot definitely gives you more of a workout than wearing shoes.
4) It Has Social Value
Sure, you may get the odd look here and there, but as our culture becomes more accepting of eccentricity most people will be genuinely curious and interested about why you're walking barefoot around the office. No more awkward small talk around the water cooler!
5) It's Spiritual
Here in the (post-)modernist, post-Enlightenment, first-world West we have forgotten that spirituality is intricately tied to the embodied life. We have allowed the presumptions of materialism (the idea that all that exists or mostly exists is the physical world with little or no supernatural elements) to creep in and color our worldviews. The ancients, including the earliest Christians, believed that almost everything in the world had an undercurrent of the spiritual or supernatural about it. I believe that walking barefoot isn't just walking barefoot, but that as a connection to Eden and to the Earth from which we were formed it has inherent spiritual value. I believe it is good for and nourishes our souls. However, there are also specific spiritual values to it.
In Luke 10:3-4b Jesus temporarily commanded His Followers, "Now go; I’m sending you out like lambs among wolves. Don’t carry a money-bag, traveling bag, or sandals...". Telling His disciples to not carry a money-bag or a traveling bag is easy enough to understand: He wanted them to practice being wholly and totally dependent upon their Loving Father, and upon the good nature of others. The command to wear no shoes, however, carries another meaning. This was commanded to ensure humility. It humbled the disciples and kept them grounded (literally and figuratively). It would have been all too easy for the disciples to think much of themselves as Followers of the Messiah and since He was sending them out to preach in His Name. Being barefoot would remind them who they are: the poor who were saved by the richness of The King.
This brings up another aspect of the spirituality of being barefoot: it encourages empathy. If you start walking barefoot, even when it hurts a little or is slightly cold out, you'll be able to empathize with the poor and homeless who cannot afford shoes. It will knock you down a level and give you a greater respect and Love for the least of these.
And, it encourages self-control/discipline which Forbes describes rather nicely. (
So, isn't it time you logged off of your computer/phone, took your shoes off, and went for a walk?
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